Annie Belle Clark Elementary: Melissa Miller
Charles Spencer Elementary: Angela Owen
G O Bailey Elementary: Lisa Daughtrey
J T Reddick Elementary: Jenny Abercrombie
Len Lastinger Elementary: Kelly Pearson
Matt Wilson Elementary: Kristy Gibbs
Northside Elementary: Kim Willis
Omega Elementary: Anna Mendoza
Eighth Street Middle School: Reginald Phillips
Northeast Middle School: Melissa Dillard
Tift County High School: Lisa Forshee
Tift County Schools are fortunate to participate in a Parent Engagement Program which houses a parent resource center and a parent liaison at each elementary school. Liaisons play a major part in our support system for parents and bridge the gap between the home and school environment.
What services do they offer?
maintain a parent resource center at each school with multi-media materials available for check-out to parents.
provide monthly workshops on effective teaching techniques for parents and training on topics of interest to the parents of Tift County.
work closely with teachers and parents to meet the needs of our students by providing individual learning packets specific to the skills being taught in each classroom.
provide information concerning other agencies and programs available to the students of Tift County.