Technology FAQs

We have put together these FAQs in response to tickets and inquiries submitted by staff members.


If you are able to login to Classlink but not able to login to Gmail and other Google Applications follow the steps below:

  1. Log into ClassLink, go to the top right corner of the page and click on the down arrow beside your Avatar then click on SETTINGS.

  2. Under RECOVERY click on RESET PASSWORD. You will need to change your password from the default password provided to you by the Technology Department. Click on SAVE when complete.

  3. In the LAUNCHPAD PASSWORD RECOVERY section on this same page, you will need to click on QUESTIONS and select and answer 3 security questions. Click on SAVE once this is complete. Staff members can also provide a mobile phone number to send you a text message if you forget your password.

If you are unable to login to Classlink, please contact the Technology Department.

Sherpadesk (Setting or Changing your Location):

When you login to SherpaDesk, click on the avatar (icon of the person) in the top right corner. 

  1. Click on My Profile. 

  2. Click on the yellow Locations button.

  3. In the Internal Location field, click on the drop down button and select the name of your school. 

  4. Click Save and Close.