Relentlessly Pursuing a Culture of Excellence
Eli Watts earns CDL
Jennifer Howell
Tift County Schools Relentlessly Pursuing a Culture of Excellence
Victor Salinas
TCFEE 2023 Incentive Grants
Successful Start Teachers
TCHS Class of 2023 VAL SAL
National Outstanding Assistant Principal
Dr. Chad Stone, 2023 GASSP Principal of the Year
TCHS Named 2023 GADOE Advanced Placement Honor School
2023-2024 Approved Calendar
BOE members sworn in by Judge Johnson
2022-2023 TCFEE Teachers of Excellence
207 N. Ridge Ave
REACH Scholarship recipients with their principals
VSU Blazin' Apple Awards Ceremony Honorees
Congratulations Jennifer Johnson
Tift County Graduation Rate 2022
State School Superintendent tours Annie Belle Clark Elementary with students